Patient Perspectives on Vaccinations in Adults with Chronic Skin Diseases

Dr. Megan Noe at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital is performing a research study to better understand how patients with skin diseases feel about vaccines as they relate to adults and not vaccines received as a child and why they chose to or not to get vaccinated.

Description of your involvement:

We are reaching out to adults who are at least 18 years old and have a diagnosis of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, bullous pemphigoid or pemphigus vulgaris. This project involves an interview that will last approximately 15 to 30 minutes. The interview will be held over Zoom a video conference platform. Study staff will provide you information on how to access the video conferencing platform. We will launch the video conferencing in a private and secure area. To protect your privacy, we ask that you do not take screenshots, photographs, or recordings of the Zoom interview session. Do not include any personally identifying information about yourself during the interview. We will record the interview to make sure that it is recorded accurately, We will also collect your age, sex and dermatology diagnosis. To participate you agree to be audio recorded.


While you may not receive a direct benefit from participating in this research, some people find sharing their perspectives to be a valuable experience. We hope that the results of this study will improve the way dermatologist provide information to their patients about vaccinations by taking patient perspectives into account.

Risks and discomforts:

Answering questions or discussing topics one’s personal health can be difficult. You may seek clarification of a question, decline to answer a question, and/or end your participation in this study at any time.



You will be paid $25 for participating and completing the interview in this research study.



Your responses are private and will be kept confidential. Your specific responses will not be linked to you. Any information you provide during this interview will be used for research only. We will be collecting your age, sex and dermatology diagnosis, but will not record any information that could identify you. The audio recordings will be coded; no names and other identifying information will be linked to the recordings. This interview will not be included in your medical record. Recordings will be stored in locked facilities and only study staff will have access to them.



If you have any questions about this study, contact the Principal Investigator Megan Noe, MD at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Dermatology Associates, 221 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, (617) 732-4918. (


If you’d like to speak to someone not involved in this research about your rights as a research subject, or any concerns or complaints you may have about the research, contact the Partners Human Research Committee at (857) 282-1900.

 We are required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to protect the privacy of health information obtained for research. This is an abbreviated notice and does not describe all details of this requirement. During this study, identifiable information about you or your health will be collected and shared with the researchers conducting the research. In general, under federal law, identifiable health information is private. However, there are exceptions to this rule. In some cases, others may see your identifiable health information for purposes of research oversight, quality control, public health and safety, or law enforcement. We share your health information only when we must, and we ask anyone who receives it from us to protect your privacy.


Voluntary nature of the study:

Participating in this study is completely voluntary. Deciding not to participate won’t affect the medical care you receive at Partners now or in the future, or any benefits you receive now or have a right to receive.



Completion of the interview after reading this study information sheet will serve as your implied informed consent to participate in this study. 

If you’d like to speak to someone not involved in this research about your rights as a research subject, or any concerns or complaints you may have about the research, contact the Partners Human Research Committee at (857) 282-1900